
Hello. It is I, Matt Brown… The one they call “Matt Brown.”

Who are you and what are you doing here? This is a website I created to keep track of my various collections: movies I’ve seen and want to see, and art books and albums I own. There’s no reason it should interest you except maybe to see the grades I assign to the movies and albums. If you are interested in that, for some reason, here is my grading system:

10 = This is as good as a work of art can get. You need to experience it if you care about art.
9 = This is excellent. Highly recommended.
8 = Very good. Worth seeking out.
7 = Solidly good. You won’t regret it.
6 = Better than most. Not a waste of time.
5 = Pretty bad. Possibly well-intentioned, but a failure.
4 = Bad. Skippable, despite a few positives.
3 = Very bad. Don’t waste your time.
2 = Terrible. Avoid it at all costs.
1 = Absolutely abysmal and irredeemable in all aspects. Might actually be entertaining it’s so utterly horrible, but more likely it’s just soul-depleting.

Thanks for accidentally stopping by!

Killer Legends

Odd Couple, The: Together Again

Human Behavior Experiments, The

American Art Since 1945

Bad News Bears, The

Mitchell, Joni






Federico Fellini

District 9




One Hundred and One Dalmatians

Alvin and the Chipmunks


Gothic Art

Great Cities in History, The

244: 1939-1945: Le Monde en guerre

Strange Love of Martha Ivers, The

Reef, The

Gilliam, Terry


Complete Greek Temples, The

038: Easter Island: Mystery of the Stone Giants

Eastwood, Clint


Bad News Bears in Breaking Training, The

À Propos de Nice

Blue Ruin

Complete Roman Army, The



Thief of Bagdad, The


Angel at My Table, An

His Girl Friday

Capra, Frank


Day of Wrath

Do the Right Thing

Sterile Cuckoo, The

Ring Two, The


Dreyer, Carl Theodor